2449 Nortonville Road
Nortonville Illinois
Explore below to find the best news that you could ever find.
How to Become a Christian
The Gospel (which means "good news") of Jesus Christ is the most important message in the world! YBC exists to preach the Gospel of Jesus so that many will come to know him in a saving way. This a wonderful booklet designed by Dr. Tim Beougher at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that helps to explain salvation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What Does YBC Believe?
The Truth of Scripture
Here, you can find a document of the Baptist Faith & Message. Within this document is YBC's statement of beliefs. While it is absolutely essential to know what the Bible teaches, these doctrines can only come after a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you do not yet know him as your personal Lord and Savior, or do not know what that means, please first explore the GRACE tract above. The leadership at YBC is always excited to answer any questions that you may have as well.